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Gulf Stream headaches for Class 40 leader Beccaria

With a lead of just less than three miles over his former co-skipper, friend and rival Ian Lipinksi (Credit Mutuel) Italian Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande Pirelli) has just over 500 miles to the finish line. He struggled with the Gulf Stream currents over the last 48 hours which – has explain – accounts for his loss to Lipinski. But, as ever, he is super positive and working hard to decipher the weather. Alberto Bona (IBSA) is fifth at 145 miles behind his compatriot.

Ambrogio Beccaria (ITA) Alla Grande Pirelli : It is close, close, close but still very open. It is impossible to know the routes as there are so many weather systems that are passing us between now and the finish and then there is the big problem of the current, yesterday I lost 80 miles because of the current which is just not on my charts, I don’t have these currents in my navigation charts and so that makes me a little bit frustrated on the navigation side as I don’t know how to manage it but in the end I am happy because yesterday I was worried Ian was in front and we are back together and it is good,  and now I see the Gulf Stream yesterday it was 22 degrees now it is seven, it is getting colder.


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